Thursday, September 2, 2010

HTD Update 2

Three months since my last post! The summer flew by fast. Unfortunately, the HTD project revamp isn't really any further along since my last update. Almost immediately another higher-priority project came up, and then another after that, and so on...and now fall classes have begun. So the HTD revamp was pushed aside and has remained there ever since.

However, I said I'd post the source code at some point, so before my classes completely consume me I thought I'd go ahead and post at least the code for the water flow simulation. The hydraulic erosion part is still buggy and not working, so I stripped out any code related to it. I'm also posting just the executable for those who want to see the sim in action without having to build it first. The readme file explains how to run/control it. A DX10-capable GPU is required (sorry XP users!)

Water Flow (full source code/project)
Water Flow (.exe only)

As for the explanation of the implementation and flow equations, I refer the interested reader to the paper that my project is based upon, the Symposium on Computer Animation 2008 paper titled Interactive Terrain Modeling Using Hydraulic Erosion by St'ava et al.

I do hope to one day return to this and finish it, but for now it will have to continue to sit on the back burner - classes are going to keep me extremely busy for the next few months. In the meantime, enjoy the water flow simulation!

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